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Formatting Bootable Linux Install USB after installation.

Gone are the days when we installed Linux with CD's and Multi DVD's.

with the USB its very easy to create a boot-able media from the ISO file using DD command.

once the Linux is installed we need the USB back to store or transfer files.

so we will be seeing on how to make the USB usable again like it was earlier previous to installation.

Option 1 : Terminal

First we need to get the device name by using command lsblk.

here my USB device is /dev/sdb.

command to format the USB is 

sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb

but the command returned an error and suggested to run with -I which i did and result was successfully formatted USB disk.

Option 2 : Gnome Disk Utility "Disks"

its bit easy using Disks app, be careful when selecting the disk to perform format operation.

first select the partition of USB and click " -" to delete the partition.

once all partitions are deleted you will have to format the disk by clicking Settings Gear Icon.

usually we select FAT file system to use with all operating systems.

following are the snaps.

 there are even better apps like Gparted, ROSA Image writer, Suse Image writer.

i like to keep minimal apps on my system, as Default shipped App Disks does the job i am not installing Gparted or any other tool, or maybe i will install in future if any need arises.


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