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Gnome Desktop issues Workaround!


Hello Everyone!

Last post i wrote about my experience on setting up a Debian Desktop for Home user.

In this post i would like to document 2 errors i cam across during usage.

its not really a issue with Debian install but with Gnome DE i believe.

Debian/Arch Forums were helpful in finding the fix/workaround for these errors.

Issue 1 :

Gnome-{music, videos} loses audio on seeking forward

This issue i faced while trying out Latest Gnome in Arch Linux, i thought it was an issue with Pipewire sound server.
suspecting Gnome issue i checked with the Debian install as it had older version of Gnome with pulse audio, surprisingly the issue was same. 
later a forum member from Arch Linux pointed me to a upstream report.
Link Here.
the issue is video loses audio when forward seek in Gnome native players and is re producible on Gnome 3.3x and 40+ Versions.

Workaround : Substitute native media players with VLC.

Yes!, fix is installing VLC player.
it plays all media without any issue and is more refined when compared to Gnome native media apps.

Issue 2 :

Unable to get list of updates: Failed to update metadata for lvfs

First i would like to tell how i got this error.
Gnome Software showed a notification saying OS and important updates are available, click to restart system and update.
as i was surfing the net i closed the notification and decided to check for updates manually once i am free.
but when i checked with sudo update and upgrade command there was none available.
so i opened the Gnome software it showed there were few updates to be installed with an option to click to restart and update.
Which i did.
During restart Gnome did not showed any messages about update install.
curious i checked the Gnome Software again and was greeted with an error message.
So i checked if this error was highlighted in Debian Forum.
with a single click i found the forum page with a fix for this error.

FIX : run command fwupdmgr --force refresh

Link to the post here and here.
Solution is running the command in terminal, so far no errors.
fwupdmgr --force refresh
 below are before and after snaps of error.


Issue 3 : Clean up the clutter

Well not really an issue but Debian installs a bit huge collection of Gnome Apps and games which can make the activities overview look cluttered.
Solution is to group the apps based on their type.
we can simply do this by just drag and drop apps together of same category.
here is the video.


 that's all for now, will share more experiences soon, Bye TC!


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