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Ubuntu Software not loading apps/not working - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS


Recently i installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and came across an issue with software center when trying to install some apps.

i searched google,askubuntu and all answers were to uninstall,clear apt cache and re install software center app.

none of them worked, few of the suggestions were to try opening from terminal and i was getting error that app/cmd was not found.

One more unusual notification was apt-update showed no updates but Ubuntu software app showed there were updates to be installed and it included firefox,snap-store snap pkgs updates.

then it flashed to my mind that Ubuntu uses Snap for software like Gnome software uses flatpak.

so i tried updating snap-store app form terminal and it worked.

First i updated all snap apps and tried opening Ubuntu software but still it was not working.

Then i tried updating snap-store app itself.

i got an error to end running snap apps which i did and updated snap-store.

Then the issue was resolved and i was able to update/install/remove snaps from Ubuntu Software app.

Though this resolved the issue i prefer to install most of the apps from .deb file from synaptic package manager,as i did not notice any difference on performance between snap version and deb version of apps.


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